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Patriots Prep 2030 FAQ's

Patriots Prep FAQ’s


What is Patriots Prep?  Is it different from WCLA?

Yes, WCLA is our rec program.  Patriots Prep is an introductory program that will lead into our travel/club program, the WC Patriots.


Why WC Patriots?

With 26 rec teams, why can’t club lacrosse be local, affordable, and competitive right in our own community?  The answer:  it can be!  Join us and watch it grow…


My daughter is going into 4th grade – isn’t it too young to be specializing in one sport?

No, you're not specializing!  Patriots Prep is easy.  We are looking into late Sunday afternoon practices (who has time during the week with work, CCD, dance, other sports, girls scouts, etc?) and only a few tournaments.  Plus, all practices are local.  We want active and well-rounded kids.  They will just have a little more lacrosse in their lives.


Will this take over our lives?

No way!  Look at the schedule.  Over before Halloween, off until after the holidays, girls still free to play WCLA rec, and over in early July so still six weeks to enjoy your vacation!


Explain the estimated $600?

First, we hire qualified, paid coaches.  Second, there will be entry fees for the tournaments. 


Can I be a “part timer” with Patriots Prep?

No, we need your full year commitment.


Is the estimated $600 due at the end of the summer all at once?  

We will ask for some money up front, but we will stagger the payments a little into the school year so not all money is due up front.  We get it!


Come be a part of WC Patriots Prep and watch the Patriots grow into the local, affordable, and, most importantly, the competitive club lacrosse option for this lacrosse community.



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