West Chester Lacrosse Association
West Chester, Pennsylvania
2022 7/8 AA
Abrahams, Zach
Biront, Bradley
Cantlin, Trevor
Chisholm, Caden
Chisholm, Grant
Ciarlone, Alex
Flores, Leopoldo
Garner, Will
Hillery, TJ
Kirk, Andrew
Lamb, Jackson
Learn, Max
Rudloff, Eddie
Onderdonk, Tommy
Paine, Joey
​Patton, Brody​
O'Kane, Sam
Santangelo, Nicky
Walpole, Ryan
Yoder, John
Young, Evan
Head Coach: Jack Twohig
Assistant Coaches: TBD
* The remaining 7/8 players will spend a few practices together and then be drafted into (3) equally balanced A teams. They will initially be rostered to a "7/8 Boys Lax All A's" TeamSnap team
* Upcoming practice times/days for the age group will be announced shortly in TeamSnap.
2022 5/6 AA
Anderson, Julian
Austin, Thane
Bauer, Jackson
Britton, Luke
Burns, Henry
Chisholm, Trent
Finnin, Konrad
Gibbs, Cole
Hallowell, Charlie
Kash, Bryce
Kreiling, Hamilton
Pagano, Chase
Seaman, Cale
Schlachta, Mick
Stukis, Tyler
Teran, Max
Walpole, Caden
Yoder, Matthew
Coaches: TBD
* The remaining 5/6 players will spend a few practices together and then be drafted into (4) equally balanced A teams. They will initially be rostered to a "5/6 Boys Lax All A's" TeamSnap team
* Upcoming practice times/days for the age group will be announced shortly in TeamSnap.